Friday, April 20, 2007

I'm back...finally!

Ever fallen in love with two persons at the same time? The Someone...and yourself?
It's as if you win even if you lose never lose :p
What was that supposed to mean?

It's impossible to find some peace school. Is there no-one who can knock some sense into the classmates? What would they get out of studying Math 10 hours a day? And it is very, very important to take their "books" to the library. Hello! That's what we go to the library for, idiots! The "books" are not books, there's just word after word, line after line, page after page of meaningless crap. No peace. Talking about the numbers is more important than writing something quietly, without cursing themselves. Why do they even start with it in the first place? Especially, if the librarian doesn't care for anything more than gossping in her loudest voice, why would the Friends even care to listen to a poor girl who's trying to get to read a couple of pages? Everyone's out to kill me. I swear.

Half an hour ain't enough for anything except talking on the phone. But even that usually continues after a break, when the Mums forget about the bill thingies. Hehe.
And gossiping. Ahem..girly gossiping. I mean the Stuff. You know..yeah.

About two more hours to go for the best one hour of the day. Tennis! Till then..happy daydreaming and making your dreams come true. Literally. Ciao! Everything's possible..


Sakshi :) said...

Hmm.. seemed like I'm reading my own diary.. math sucks.. it really does.. [:)]

Anonymous said...

i happened to adore math. though our library was nothing short of what yours is. no peace! :))

Asmi Saxena said...

Never any Peace. Life goes on.